Fucking Awesome

Nov 03, 2008 09:48

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....So... supposedly this is real. It sounds real enough, and although I havent seen any news stories cover it or anything, according to the superficial SP's reps said it was legit.

So heres Sarah Palin getting prank called by two guys from some quebec radio station making her sound REALLY really intelligent.

DEFINITELY worth a listen.

IMO shes a cute, silly, charismatic girl. If she was my next door neighbor, we would probably be friends. I really dont hate Sarah Palin. I just hate the thought of her being VP, or better yet president when the crypt keeper kicks the bucket.

And stolen from ninjaguydan  : mtvmusic.com- FUCKING AMAZING. Its just music videos. Thats all. And not 'shake your laffy taffy' or lyndsay lohan, although you could probably find those also, but old school Michael before he struck fear into the hearts of children everywhere, metallica, and tons of other 80s tastic music.
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