Aug 24, 2004 13:46
ok its been a couple of days since i told them to turn on the internet in my room and its still a no go. to all who care, i am having fun, but still getting used to this life. it seems to be a bit hectic, but i think i can manage. i should probably be making more friends, but for right now im very content with the small group i have. i spend a lot of my free time at emma and angie's apartment and its becoming more of a home than the place i sleep. which reminds me, emma and i broke the news to angie last night that the two of us were together (we had really been avoiding lettering her know bc we were afraid of how it would affect the group, ie the two of us and her) fortunately she pretty much already knew and i guess shes ok with it. as for things with emma, its really great and im very happy, as im sure a few of you were wondering. anyway i guess i should (or not) go into more detail, but im bored of typing and casey wants to show me a movie so you guys gotta go.
ps at some point i will revert to the fun journal style again (im sowwy)