So I'm not at all surprised by
this article but at the same time I still can't get over that this is the person London actually elected as mayor. It's over a year old but I was doing some googling.
If you can't be bothered to read it, Boris Johnson is basically attempting to ('humorously' yet obviously seriously) blame women's advances for the deepening division of the classes*. This is such sexist bullshit. And the fact that he refers to himself as an "ardent feminist" and then says things like this:
Let's put it bluntly: nice female middle-class graduates are either becoming permanent Bridget Joneses, or marrying nice male graduates, and they seem on the whole to be turning up their nice graduate noses at male non-graduates.
Never mind the fact that he's
not got a single woman or non-white person in his senior policy team.
*And I'm not saying that the feminist movement doesn't have a lot to answer for when it comes to class issues, but that really is a whole other discussion and really has nothing to do with graduate women not marrying "illiterate brickies"