Dear Yulegoat

Nov 19, 2010 17:54

Hi, and thank you so much for writing this fic for me! You obviously have excellent taste in comics, so take a moment and feel good about that. I know I do once in a while!

So, on to the letter.

Things I very much like:

- Female or female identified characters with agency and purpose. What I like even more is when said female or female identified characters with agency and purpose form strong bonds and close friendships with each other and those relationships are explored, both the good and the bad of it.
- People being skilled at things and putting those skills to good use. Competence! It's fantastic. I also like reading about people as they gain that competence. Learning is fascinating.
- Stories where nothing happens, but in a meaningful way. If that makes sense. I like plot, too, but not without those moments in between where the story catches its breath and the personalities take focus.
- Pre-canon. Always, always interested in the backstories of minor characters.
- Bittersweet endings. I don't mind angst or happy endings either, but a mixture of both is the best.
- Morally gray decisions, questioning of morals, internal conflict.
- Friendship in general. Friendships are the best, all kinds. Friendship, friendship, friendship. It is so great.

Things I don't much like:

- Porn. I will probably scroll past, I'm sorry to say. It's just not as interesting to me! I checked gen for all my requests, which... doesn't mean that I hate romance, just that I prefer to read my ships with the focus on their personalities and not their bodies. Shippy undertones, more like.
- M/M. WELL, this is a lie, I love my M/M ships a lot. But it's almost always easier to find than my f/f and f/m OTPs, and I'm more invested in those.
- Erotisized dubcon or noncon. Some of my canons have awful things happening, and that's not triggering in and of itself. Only when it's treated as sexy.
- Explicit descriptions of blood and open wounds. I.. have a huge blood squick. (Which may seem incompatible with being a Boti fan, but.) I'm fine with characters being injured as long as you don't go into graphic detail, though.
- Character bashing, bashing of canon ships, infidelity, gratuitous chaarcter death.
- AUs and major deviations from the story. I prefer if the fic can be fitted into the canon more or less seamlessly.
- Misrepresentations of disabilities and illnesses, both physical and mental.

As for the fandoms...

Blade of the Immortal

What makes Boti so amazing to me is the amazing female characters, so something focusing on one or more of the women would make me the happiest. I'm especially fond of Doa and have always wanted to know more about her background.

I really am all about the women here and I will seriously be ecstatic about anything about any female character in the series. I love them all to tiny pieces. If you're looking for ides my absolute dreamfic would be one about Doa's past, about her life as an adoptee with the Utari, the time she spent on the road with Isaku. There's a lot to explore in how she went from that sweet, shy little girl, scared of the rage inside of her, to a cold blooded killer, and I'm curious to know more about her cultural identity and the conflict that comes with it. Other than that I love Hyakurin's tale of survival, Rin's badassery, Makie's struggle, Ryo's dedication, Meguro and Tanpopo's adorable, poor Hisoka... Fic about any and all relationships between these characters excite me, regardless of whether they've met in canon or not, and the more cameos, the better.

Incredible Hercules

Delphyne! She is so cool. We get little pieces of what drives her throughout canon, but it's just not enough. I want more about how she sees her role as Amazon queen, sisterhood, friendship and how she handles Athena still being around. For example. And, of course, the more Amadeus & co is around (especially Amadeus) the better.

What I said in my request: I want more Delphyne. And Delphyne/Amadeus. And Delphyne and Artume. And Delphyne and Athena. BUT if writing something largely Delphyne-centric has you tearing your hair our, it's not like an exploration of Athena's motivations and logic, BFF moments with Herc and Amadeus, stories from Amadeus being possibly the worst boss of the Olympus group ever (if also the most fashionable) or just awesome! Group! Adventures! that's more than fine by me. just no romantic Herc7Amadeus, please. I don't really ship it that way.

The Question: Pipeline

I just want Renee being a badass. Whether on a whole new mission or in between-the-scenes during the ones we saw in canon doesn't matter to me. While I ship Helena/Renee pretty hard and would adore you for giving me more adorable interaction, I still favour asskicking over romance and am always the happiest with gennish stuff.

Not much to add here! I am a massive Reneewife. More Renee everywhere, that's my motto. I like her the best outside of Gotham, and... OKAY a Cass/Renee team up would be like a dream, so if you'd feel like writing that? Oh, how I would love you!

Blue Beetle

Jaime is lucky to have one of the best supporting casts in all of cape comics, and I want fic giving me more of Brenda, Paco, The Reyes family, La Dama... Friendship makes me all warm and fuzzy inside, so... BFF fic, maybe?

This my least thought out request, because... I mostly just want more of the same that we got in canon. Jaime and his supportive cast and superhero hijinks in El Paso. And everyone in a big, cuddly pile. I DON'T KNOW this series just makes me fuzzyhappy inside.

Hopefully, this letter isn't too daunting. And, you know, with all these fandoms I love 99% of the characters with all my heart. So if you have something you're itching to write that you know would be amazing... Write it. Even if it doesn't perfectly match any of my requests. The risk of going wrong is very, very small. If you have any questions, feel free to make an anonymous comment on this post.

I wish you all the best, dear yulegoat, and I hope your yuletide experience is a very merry one. ♥

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