Yamapi's SGSB Concert in Taiwan 2011/05/21

May 22, 2011 00:46

Finally in my room XDD
The concert ended early, and I took MRT early too... but had a few extra things going on...

Anyways, hooray for my first P concert, NEWS member's concert, Johnny's concert! :D

I was sitting pretty far back. If you know the seating plan of NTU gymnasium, I sat on the second floor, close to the corner at the back in North zone E. So, I was still pretty far away from P. He didn't see me, he didn't touch my hand, but I was still happy to see him from about 1.5-2 meters away~ only for a second or two though. :)

I bought a penlight, and I prepared a simple uchiwa~ ready to go. I can't do detailed summary, but I'll just jot down whatever was memorable to me.

Gotta love P's smile. His smile is so adorable, and I love him for smiling throughout the concert. (melts)

I think I really got into the mood on the fourth song "Tokyo Sinfonietta" I quite like the song, even way before the concert (though I think the dance is only okay XD) Anyways, starting from "Tokyo Sinfonietta," I got really into the concert, the atmosphere and everything. I started to wave my penlight automatically~ I was feeling a bit awkward with my first ever penlight during the first three songs XD

After that, I was pretty much enjoying myself. It's already a small venue, but I kept on feeling not close enough to P XD Anyways, looking at his smile, his back (I was actually quite attracted by his back after a while XD especially when he was in tank top XDD awesome! *endless LOL*)

My favorite performance. It's a bit hard actually. I really liked the atmosphere and choreography of "Blood Diamond," loved it. I loved many other songs too. I loved "Hadakanbo" too, especially b/c he came out singing that for the 3rd encore. Also, during "World is Yours" when clips of his dramas were shown... I cried. For me, it was hard not to, because those were marks of his growth and evidence to me of how long I have followed him. As to singing, I actually listened to his voice w/out much complaint. XD The added effects to the vocals naturally made it harder to tell whether or not he was really singing, but when I felt that he did, I was still touched. Enjoyed listen to him singing, and I mean, when he was really singing XD Maybe I was too into it, I actually was not sure if he had lip-synched, and if so, when. Which, to me is a bit amazing XD because I tend to notice quite naturally. Too into the concert I guess XD

Jump to talk about ABC-Z for a moment. Even though I've seen other members and can name a couple, I know Kawai Fumito the most and was excited to see him (our birthdays are only a few days apart :P this helped, haha). He did monomane as usual. I heard that he imitated MatsuJun dancing to "Wish" yesterday, and today, he did "Love so Sweet". Too bad there was no music, otherwise it'd be more fun. I actually want him to imitate Massu doing "Miso Soup". I hope he does so tomorrow!

P spoke to us both in English and Japanese. I am so glad I understand both languages enough to know pretty much everything he said. And, I am so so so so so so so happy he was pronouncing the words pretty well! He carries Japanese accent, of course, but he spoke well and clear and better than I expected :D "I will never forget today", "We have been really excited to see you", "I am so hot" (XDD) and several other sentences were spoken really well. Aww~ So glad to hear him say these in person! (It's really humid today, and he was sweating a lot pretty soon.. so he said "I am so hot" haha.. not "I feel so hot")

He came out for a 3rd encore! Yes! For the 3rd encore, we shouted "もう1回" and that moment felt wonderful. He came out beaming ♥ Really loved that moment.

Alright, rewind a bit. He did a circle around the 2nd floor for the first encore. He sang "Loveless" and "青". That means he passed by me from a close distance. It was fast though and he did not see me eye-to-eye. I hope tomorrow he will! I did not get any ribbon or foam thingie. Hope to get those tomorrow as well.

It was fast~ The concert itself (w/out encore) lasted for only about 110 minutes, close but not even 2 hours.

Too bad a lot of people did not respond well to what he said in English, lol. like "clap" and other things he said. Most fans were more responsive to Japanese instructions and calls, lol.

Anyways.. this was a rather incoherent, disorganized repo, but I guess you can tell that it was written by a happy fan XD I think it's all thanks to P's smile & charisma :D


thoughts/moments, news

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