Yamapi :)

Nov 19, 2010 19:35

My first reaction to the community for P's world tour is "huh? why not just share the info in news_jpop" ~ iitai dake.

Dunno, maybe people want to put tons of related stuff that may not be totally relevant to news_jpop, so it's needed (though I have some doubts on that). I just kinda want those to belong to news_jpop just as I like yamapi being in NEWS. ~but they're gonna x-post or link anyways~ ok then, should be cool.

ok~ so... P is coming here!
wow, he is!

I mean, for a huge bunch of us, the feeling's truly a mixed one. We love P, but we really wanted more NEWS group activities at the beginning of next year too. Oh well, my way of dealing with it is, since it's now official and P says not to worry, there's no reason but to give him utmost support. I am sure he's gonna be the Saijoukyuu no Fighting Man for himself and for us :)

Hopefully, P will improve lots from this experience!

If I may say this~ there's just one thing, related to music, that I really want P to improve on.....
and that is..... English pronunciation! (XD)

My fellow fan-friends here Taiwan sometimes say, "shouganai~ it's probably hard to get it right," but... at least don't pronounce your song title wrong, I'd think XD. It's Million not Mirion*~ even within the chorus I hear several different pronunciations, and he has gotten it right at least once~ (Isn't it a weird feeling to hear million at the beginning of the chorus and mirion at the end?) so just try to get it right 90% of the time yeah? (doesn't mean I don't love you though XD)

*Note: No, I'm not Hermione (lol). She's nice though. :P

You've heard it right, the venue here is small too. We're all pretty worried about fighting for tickets. If it's as usual, it is gonna be first come, first serve~ might really need luck. If this were a Taipei Arena concert we probably don't need to worry too much, but since it's at a smaller venue (a good one though), we are very nervous. If I can, I certainly would like to see him. If I do, it'll be the first time! :D Bless me P! Leave some chances for me! ^^

So, other NEWS members ganbatte! Maybe TM will have work too; I'll be looking forward to that too. Oh, please let KoyaShige do something! Please do! Especially Shige! Poor him~ he needs more chances and exposure!

& more group work next year, yes?

Well, P ganbatte! Hopefully album, movie, and tour will all turn out successful! ♥

thoughts/moments, news

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