Apr 04, 2008 19:23
Ahoy hoy!
I'm waiting for the pizza dough to rise so I can make some spice bread...so now I will blog. Tomorrow's my birthday and so far it's shaping up quite well considering it's right before exams start. I made some birthday bruschetta (I've really been craving bruschetta) and it's nice that I won't be baking my own cake. My friend is buying me one from Rockaberry's which is the best best desert place in town for pies!
Exams are supres stressful. I have a lab class which is brutal. And I checked my exam and I deserve some extra marks AND they tallied it wrong but the prof I need to see is never there when he says he is. To be honest I'll just be really happy to have that lab over with. I'm going to be super happy when this term is over. Another reason to be happy: my family got me a certificate for this awsome spa! Helloooo full body massage!! Plus I can sell some text books for some awsome moneyyy. Also can you say Just for Laughs? I'm gonna be all over that!
Anyway I'm feeling nerdy so...I will now explain septic shock to you. You've heard people go into it on Grey's Anatomy but I bet you have no idea what it is, do you?
Septic shock is when you have a bacterial infection that's systemic. When you get a bacterial infection your immune system releases TNF-alpha (tumor necrosis factor). TNF-alpha pretty much shuts down blood flow to wherever it is. That way the bacteria can't use the blood stream to spred to other parts in your body. It's like when there's an anthrax scare and entire buildings get locked down. That way you contain the infection to one building instead of it spreading around the city. Only the city is your body. So far so good? So when an infection is systemic it means that the bacteria aren't only in one place, they've spread out over the body. They got into the blood and now they're growing all over the place! TNF-alpha sees the bacteria and it's like "Oh shit! Seal the area!" only it doesn't realize that this is happening all over the body. Now your body has shut down blood to not one place but a lot of places including major organs. You are now is septic shock! Yay!