Are you gellin'?

Aug 12, 2003 21:26

haha, well first of all just look at my title. It has to be the worst commercial ever and with an answer to that can only be,"Like a felon."Dang eventhough it is so ridiculously stupid I can't get over it. WEll back to an actual story. The weekend was nice after thursday, hanging out with my sweet heart, awh yes corny, and also with my other good friends. As monday came around I did nothing, but hang out with my "people" and was hopefully going to be able to hang out with some of the com's and when I say that I mean kelly because she was the only one that was actually in town. Well Katie was in town, but I should probably get to know her better though first. So then Tuesday pulls up and I leave off for camping. I use camping loosely because we are going to be chilling at friend's houses for most of the time and actually camping, "roughing it", for one day. I end up driving for about three hours today and we eventually make it to UCLA to check out the campus. We end up only going to the student' union, where they have food,an ARCADE!!, and a pool table. Naturally Sean wants to go and play pool and so we do. And also at the food area they have, honestly, no vegetarian food what so ever. They have a place called,"Pure Chicken Heaven". If that doesn't spell anti-JJ(Sean)I don't know what does. So I get some sandwich..psh.And then after that we get back on the road and go to a gas station where we sheist the hell out of them by filling up our whole tank,$24, for $10 that I handed to the lady. We then head to San Luis and eat dinner there with a friend,Charlotte, and then go to a record store, similar to Off The Record. After that we go to a god like sports store that has every Snowboarding thing you can imagine. I end up getting some really nice snowboard pants for next season and then we head back to "Good" Charlotte's house to crash. And this is where I am currently waiting for tomorrow to come upon my feet. Well this is all for my journal and I miss you guy's,(Matt,Ariel,Kelly,Carter Of course,Pj,Mer,Laura,Hutch,Wes,Ashley,Jenni,Ryry,Casey(havent talked to that broke ass in awhile),Steve,Amand,Royce,brandon,and Gonzo,Lindsay,Cristina,Josh,Kyle.)If I forgot aynbody, you can kick my ass.WEll until then,
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