Meme time

Apr 10, 2009 15:41

stolen from belabellissima

Who would you turn gay/straight for?
List 5 people you would turn gay for (or straight for if that be the case!) and provide a picture and an explanation.

Zooey Deschanel. I think she's so incredibly gorgeous. Everyone is always like, HEY SHE LOOKS LIKE KATY PERRY HEH. I see it, kinda, but eh. Katy's really not as pretty to me, and doesn't sing half as well. I love her style too.

 Christina Ricci. She can do no wrong in my eyes. Except Penelope....And Cursed (amusing, but no)......I didn't see Speed Racer, I didn't really have any interest in it. Oh and Black Snake Moan was a let down but she looked good as a trashy skanky ho (I totally own it because her and Samuel are on it haha). SHE WAS WEDNESDAY ADDAMS THOUGH. Haha. I loved her in Buffalo 66 and Pumpkin. She's insanely pretty as well though..And talented.

Scarlett Johansson. Do words need to be said, seriously?

 Tsubasa Masuwaka. I loooove her. You can tell how big of a perfectionist she is in all her interviews and everything. I can kind of be like that as well so that only adds on to my girl-crush on her.

Olivia B. Merilahti

I posted a video of her singing (she's the singer for the band The Do) ages agooo. I love her style. There are pretty much no good pictures of her.

I was just reading my last post and I said almost 19 instead of almost 20. Oops. Guess that makes me a bit more pathetic with the Disneyland thing. OH WELL. I just turned 19 in January anyway.

Also, I want some gelato right now. Super. Super. Super bad.

But I'm probably not going to get any for ages. Ohhh well.

meme, girls i'd go gay for, killaaa cravin

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