Apr 28, 2004 17:58
HAPPY HUMP DAY! I love Wednesday...it makes me happy to know that I only have to go to school for 2 more days. For some reason that really excites me! Y'all my whole body is sore from conditioning in cheerleading! I never realized that I was so out of shape but it really hurts to walk and then at Bossier High we have to have 10 million stairs and ALL my classes are either on the second or third floor so that really sucks. My stepmom wanted me so I walked in the living room and she was like "umm you better explain why your walking like that!" I was like it sure as hell aint from having sex! Because I ain't had NONE. :) Anyway I'm really excited because next friday is ring ding and I will officially become a senior! I can't wait. SeNIoRs~Class of '05! Oh y'all I was looking at the Rusheon yearbook and the 6th graders from this year are the Class of 2010! I was like dang...thats a LONG time from now. Cheerleading is going alright...I'm still not having as much fun as I had last year but I guess I'll get over that>>>I'm just gonna have to suck it up! Our banquet is on the 8th and I really hope that Mrs. Jackson comes because it will be nice. Ugh I'm getting sick. I hate having a cold. Anyway I'm going to do my homework! Bye Y'all