Dec 15, 2005 18:54
this guy needs to stop being so FREAKING SELFISH!!!!!!
omg............becuz i told him i dont lyk him "lyk that" he has been letting it take over his life...................he is lyk im depressed i thought i could get over it but i cant, i think i might try to commit suicide again.......but i cant i wrote him this
let me explain something to u..........if u WERE to commit suicide, that would hang over my head for the rest of my life every time i went to bed or when i awoke in the morning or when i went to school, the first thing i would would think of was : im a horrible person because I killed someone. so think about this if u were to do that, u would be ruining the lives of yourself, your family, your friends and me bcuz u doing that is the same thing as me murdering u, the only difference is that u i would be murdering u mentally.........i am NOT a murderer.......
I CAN promise that is wut would not being mean but this is the truth i kno wut it feels lyk when u lyk some1 and then its too late but THAT one little thing can't take over ur life.....even if u love the person, trust me I loved some1 so much and then he left me........i havent gotten over him yet.but im NOT letting it take control of my life bcuz i KNOW im stronger than that and that there r other ppl out there for me.......just lyk i KNOW that u r a stronger person than some crush that u didnt get...........i KNOW! the other thing is (dont take this personally) but by letting such a tiny thing do that to u, its kind of selffish bcuz u would be taking that risk of ruining ur life just so U can be happy but u would b ruining the lives of SO MANY other ppl...............
so wut do u think of it?! he is pissing me sick of him whining and trying to make me feel bad for him cuz although i do............he is making my life a piece of crap right now........stop being so dang selfish ya puff.........