Dec 20, 2004 18:46
I am so bored b/c I hate studying and history sucks so much. if I could I would strangle it. trimesters make people go crazy I swear:
LITTLE CHEESE111 (6:43:11 PM): ddoo yyoouu kknnooww wwhhaatt II''mm ssaayyiinngg??
Mishie89 (6:43:25 PM): i know what you're saying
LITTLE CHEESE111 (6:43:33 PM): =O
LITTLE CHEESE111 (6:43:49 PM): wwwwwwhhhhhhaaaaattttt aaaabbbboooouuuuttttt nnnnnoooowwww??????
Mishie89 (6:43:57 PM): yes murray, god
Mishie89 (6:44:02 PM): i know what you're saying
LITTLE CHEESE111 (6:44:21 PM): I'm going insane do you realize this?
Mishie89 (6:44:38 PM): murray, that happened ages ago
there is something wrong with me and I'm not even joking anymore..
today during the english trimester kristen murphy cheated off me. its so funny how mr. cioffi notices nothing.
thank god tomorrow is the last day I have to study. all I have to do is go over all my bio tests, diagrams and re-memorize every tense in spanish blarg!