May 27, 2005 23:25
Been home for officially a week now! Holy Crap! it;s going to fast already!- but i've accomplished in my unpacking stages and now am moving into the re-decorating stage...yessss! I also signed a form at Martin's this week to tell them i could work again and i handed the scheduling lady my schedule and form personally and she said I was would be on the list for next week (starting monday) and guess what? I'm not on it yet. Probably in another week or so I will be...maybe I definately will look into a second job...I dunno, it's a tough call. I was actually seriously considering doing (don't laugh OR judge) flight attending part time...but i doubt they eveb have part-time hours...since i love planes so much that would be pretty awesome! or, I Wish I lived near an amusement park or something, I would love to dress up as a awesome would it be to work at Disney world and be a princess all day...seriously, what skill do you need there? None at all.. haha! Maybe I could test drive cars on a track - fast...hehe like new mustangs or something neat like that...that would be pretty hott. Or a massage therapist...good tips ;)... Or, if I HAVE to, I'll just stay with Martin's and the assassin job I have...sigh, so monotonous. (lol)
anyways, the other day, my dad and I went to BWI just to watch planes like a bunch of rednecks amazed at indoor plumbing and afterwards (2 and a half hours later) we left...well, the car..MY car...the one i drive wasn;t there anymore. Not in the spot we left it. We searched and searched...and we KNEW we left it there, my dad and I are very visual people..we remember surroundings and landmarks and the such and we've NEVER lost a car. So OMG we though..shit...the car was STOLEN!!! We were so upset! We called a security guard and all this. I had to sit on a curb in the middle of the parking garage for a half hour while my dad and this guard went looking around and about after 40 minutes of worrying and freaking- the car was on the level below us. Genious. We felt like huge morons! what assholes! We then on the way home proceeded to talk in stereotypical mentally challanged voices...cause we're cool. Wow, next time, right down the number of the parking spot BEFORE leaving it.
in other completely non-related news:
I had a dream last night that I was moving back into Whiteford with Allsion Dower I guess like next semester or something or in the middle of the semester i don't know...anyways, I was moving back in and we had a different room, not the basement of Whiteford one that we had last semester...but for some reason each floor had their own lobby and like a CREW of people that all freakishly resembled a nurse's station. The creepyiest part was that in this dream, I was being chased down the hallways but a huge guy named Adam... i dont know who he is or was in the dream, or why he was chasing me..but his intent i knew was to catch me and hurt me. And Allison was running infront of me but then she was in a cart and i was running and pushing her while she was in this cart and she screamed "this is the room!!!" and I slammed the cart into the door and it opened and i quickly jumped around and slammed the door shut and locked it, just in time to hear this Adam guy slam into it and start banging on it. It was really really weird. Plus, the "Whiteford" room became a McDaniel Hall room and No One was helping stave off this guy from wanting to hurt me or whatever this guy wanted to do...i have NO idea...then suddenly he disappeared. Creepy.
I have a WHOLE lot more on my mind...but i can;t all fit into one journal entry so this is where I will stop.
Neighbor Status:
Since my room is fabulously situated at the front fright of my house I have fabulous view of my neighbors front yard and the road/field/church/cemetary beyond. And I have not been "spying on my neighbors" I have been meering observing theit sociological actions:
-retarded neighbors moved out yesterday
-new neighbor(s)? moved in today... elderly lady perhaps..newly widowed? Or has husbad there...cannot tell
-she HATES weeds in her sidewalk... ha.
-creepy factor 3000...i observed a man on a motorcycle try to break into new neighbors house atr modnight not know why..pretty sure he saw me...and then he began rumaging and cursing on the opposite side of the house...sketchy...
(tune in next time!)
time for bed...goodnight lovers