Second Guessing and Other Irritations

Nov 09, 2010 23:13

So we've been in the new house a month already and I really, really like it here.  Still haven't hung the pictures, but I'm really not on fire to get to that.  What I really want is for the repairs and touch ups to be completed on the old house so we can get it rented.

Remember that friend?  He did a good job at the new place, but seemed to totally run out of steam once he started the old house.  He originally said it would only take one week to get it all done.  He hasn't even gotten half of it done and it's now been a whole month.  He only seems to be going over and working a couple of hours 1 or 2 days a week..

He has been full of excuses every time I ask what the hold up is, " I needed paint, my girlfriend had the car, I was tired"...I can't tell you how many times I've offered to help with whatever he needs: supplies, transportation, getting extra help, me pitching in with sanding and painting.  Really anything.  Today he called and said he needed a ride over but wanted to get a quick bite to eat before I came to get him.  He was going to call once he'd eaten.  It's been over 6 hours now, and he still hasn't called back.  Since it's after 10:30, I'm guessing he blew off doing any work over there today too.  I have to admit sitting around for hours waiting when someone says they're gonna call right back drives me insane!

I know it's going to hurt his feelings, but I called another guy and am getting a quote from him tomorrow.  My neighbors said this guy cam in on budget and got the work don FAST.  That is exactly what I need right now.  I figure Adam will get over it.  We just can't keep bleeding money.

The handyman hassles, and dealing with all the calls on the house while trying to work my day job have me rethinking the whole landlord thing.  Since I can't do the repair work myself, I am worried that it will be frustrating every time we need to have stuff done.

So I have our realtor meeting us at the Goodwin house tomorrow to see how much he thinks we could sell it for and what we'd need to do to get it sold.  I'm kind of dreading it.  I know it's a cute place, but it's not a sellers' market at all right now.

We knew that when we bought this place though.  We do have some equity in that house, I'd just hate to lose all of it because of the crap economy.  Right now, not having to worry about 2 mortgages sounds pretty awesome though.  Especially since Lance's new job came with a pay cut ( I still wouldn't trade that. He's SO much happier)..
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