Name: Gilbo
Are you over 16?: 18 hurr.
Personal LJ:
apodysophiliacEmail: shocahtoa@gmail.com
Timezone: Eastern
Other contact: AIM: tactical hipster
Characters already in the game: N/A
How did you find us?: Through
zellie_kinneas &
raegquit IC:
Character name: Shaun Hastings
Fandom: Assassin's Creed
Timeline: Right at the end of Assassin's Creed 2.
Age: 26
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: Shaun does not have any sort of special magical
powers due to his canon, but he would be classified as having a higher than average intelligence. This intelligence is more specific towards history. The special thing about Shaun is that he is a master at analysis. That's how he was able to discover Abstergo's true identity. This also gives him amazing abilities in regards to problem-solving since he knows how to analyze a problem effectively and try to come up with a solution as quick as he can. This can be seen in canon with the corrupted sequences when gathering up quick information about the new time that Desmond was being sent to in the Animus.
How would they use their abilities?: Shaun would not use his abilities to manipulate others or anything like that. Shaun, in canon, helps his team from the sidelines producing data and analyzing the surroundings by creating a database. Shaun would do the same in this universe by providing his services for a cause, especially if it's something that he actually believes in.
Appearance: Shaun stands at around 5'11'', so, average male height. Shaun is always seen wearing some type of sweatervest over a nice, prim white button up shirt. He is a Brit, afterall. He needs to keep up appearances. He has a bit of facial hair and always styles his light brown hair with a small fauxhawk. His brown eyes are hidden behind squared black lenses which makes him look stylish and sophisticated.
Background/Personality: To start off with the basics, Shaun is someone who you could describe as a geek. He has an obsession over history, connections within history, especially in regards to the Renaissance and loves to discover the obscure. Shaun's investigative nature makes him a very curious individual. His curiosity is what drew him into the war between the Templars and Assassins, and he was not even born an Assassin. To explain the canon, those who were born in an Assassin line are fated to be involved in the war between Templars and Assassins that is happening in Assassin's Creed. Shaun, however, has no Assassin blood in him, but still fights for the Assassins because of his discovery of Abstergo Industries. Because of his curiosity, you could say that is how he becomes important to the modern assassin cause. Without him discovering Abstergo, the Templars could have easily have gone undetected to advance further to victory in the endless war.
As mentioned before, Shaun is quite the geek, which goes into the stereotype of him being ridiculously intelligent. He tends to use that intellectual superiority against the others, giving him a condescending nature. The work that he does for collecting information for the Animus' database causes him to be very focused, not wanting to be disturbed by anything or anyone, especially by the main character Desmond. Sometimes Shaun also seems very cynical, probably due to the research that he has done on the selfish figures of the Renaissance. Most of what he says is dripping with dry humor and sarcasm, especially when it comes to Desmond. Most of the time when he states something very sarcastic, it's because he has little patience and wants to get directly to the point. But then sometimes he goes off on long banters about some things, usually having to do with his work.
EDIT: Ever since 1100 AD, a war has been brewing between the Templars and the Assassins. Templars are those that seek to create a perfect world. As nice as this sounds, the Templars wish to impose their beliefs on man in order to create this perfect world. They are the sworn enemy of the Assassins considering the fact that Assassins wish for man to choose for themselves and to possess free will despite the fact that there may be flaws. With these contrasting ideologies, the two groups have fought over the course of thousands of years for the control and fate of humanity.
Abstergo Industries is a large and very prominent multinational corporation that serves as a front for the Templars in the present day (2012). From an early age, Shaun was always interested in conspiracy theories and the unknown. Though initially unaware of the existence of the modern-day Templars and Assassins, he did some investigating into Abstergo Industries, and realized that they were up to no good, and thus decided to try and stop them. Shaun dug up as much information as he could on Abstergo's activities, and then tried to tell others about his findings by reporting it to Wikileaks. Unaware that the Templars would try to silence him, he was eventually found by Alan Rikkin, a chief executive at Abstergo Industries, however, he was able to escape in the van that was taking him to Abstergo.He was then contacted by Rebecca Crane, a member of the Assassin Order, who rescued Shaun, and in turn recruited him into the Assassin Order.
Why should that character be in this game: N/A
Why do you want to continue their history here: The setting would be interesting to place Shaun inside of. He has dedicated himself to research and history. It actually creates a good scenario of what would happen if the war was lost by the Assassins and the Templars gained control. What would happen then to the Assassins. I find that there could be good potential with this setting for Shaun for if the worst would to happen in his canon.
For applicants considering an alternate version of a character already in game, please use this as your chance to explain the key differences between your character and the one already in play: N/A
Have you read up on how the game works?: The FlamingFerret is the name of the plug-in for the Guide. A character can earn money by doing missions, having a job on the ship and also commissioned missions from other players.
1st person sample: The FAQ said it was cool to link to a first person post so:
First person post here 3rd person sample: Really, it should not have come to any surprise to Shaun that his world was destroyed. Afterall, it was on the verge of complete destruction and chaos anyways, thanks to the Templars. Shaun took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh. Maybe this was a good thing afterall. The War was finally over, wasn't it? But what about all of the history throughout the years? All of the advancements society has made throughout the centuries, the secrets that old philosophers and inventors hid, archives from scholars from over a hundred years ago... All of that was gone now. It almost made Shaun numb to think about the pros and cons, but right now, what mattered most was survival. “Pull yourself together, chap...” he murmured as he put his glasses back on. “Now's not the time to dwell on the past, afterall.” Another thing that was bothering him was the lack of his colleagues around. Lucy, Rebecca and even Desmond. He was concerned. Did they make it out alright? He gave out a half-hearted chuckle as he crossed his arms against his chest. It was strange to even think about them now like this. But, on the brightside, maybe he would finally get some piece and quiet.
Questions?: None that I can think of at the moment. :D
Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Why, yes, I did. :D.