Oct 20, 2005 15:16
i crashed my brothers car this morning :(
i was driving to work and this stupid animal jumps out infront of me, and my first reaction is to stop, but i was going to fast so then i figured i'd try to drive around it.. bad idea. i ended up going off the road a bit where there was this gravel type dirt and you shouldnt break on that stuff, i slid and got thrown against a mountain head on.. better than over the cliff T_T
i'm alright, just bruised from the seatbelt and hitting my chest against the wheel. it knocked the wind out of me so once i stopped i was freaking out cuz i couldnt breathe for a couple of seconds, then i caught my breath and couldnt believe what happened. of all days i leave my cell phone in the boyfriends car, so i freaked and sat there for a bit (with my car still in the road) and decided to try to drive home, i was only 10 min away. so i started driving and saw smoke, so i was like fuck this and pulled over.. then i continued cuz i just wanted to get home. i let this car pass me and he pulls over, asks if i'm okay and if i need anything, so i borrow his cell and try to call my cell but the bf doesnt answer, so i panic cuz i dont know anybodys number, then he offers me a ride. i was scared but i really wanted to get home, but he took me home and i thanked him over and over again. i told my brother what happened and his first reaction was "omg! is the car okay?!" lol. that's our only car, so we walk over to where i left the car.. it was a 25 min walk. we get in the car, drive the rest of the way home and the bf meets up with us here. lay down for a bit, call my work no one answers, call again they tell me they really need me cuz nobody comes in till 10 so i go to work at 700. i dont do much cuz i'm all sore, then i go home at 10.
i drove a bit to take the car to the mechanic guy, and i was freaking out.. i keep seeing the mountain, and what keeps haunting me is the feeling that i got knowing i was gonna hit it and knowing how fast i was going, so i think i'm gonna be a passenger for bit.
car wreck= no monster massive :( it's gonna cost about $300 to fix it.. it's mostly body work and the radiator is damaged. but yeah, still a little shaken up by it, but its all gravy.