Work is hell.... Yet I still like it.

Mar 29, 2007 06:35

Finally woke up early enough in the morning to do some typing.

Work's going pretty well. I haven't had to be the mean TSS in 2 weeks. I think my little girl client finally sees that when she's good, I praise her and give her stickers (to cash in for something cool out of my grab bag). I wish I could say the same for her foster family. I have finally met 2 people that can so angry I wanna snap. But because I need the money- I just bite me tongue. They send her to school un-bathed, unkept hair, and the last time she's brushed her teeth probably was after lunch with me. (I'm trying to teeth her good oral hygiene by having both of us brush our teeth after breakfast and lunch every day).

Here's the latest in the most frustrating events that have occurred.

(first- the hygiene)
Now, I've talked to them directly about her coming to school smelling horrible. My supervisors with me at the evaluation talked to her about the little girl's hygiene issues. The teachers have made calls home expressing a concern about my little girl's smell. The foster mom swears up and down that my little girl gets a bath every night and they change her pjs and bedding every other week. One time I asked if they supervised her while she's bathing to make sure she's getting it. (Note- before my girl was put into foster car, she and her family lived in an abandoned laundry mat. She never learned how to bathe properly til she was taken in) The foster mom said "Well, no. She just sits in the tub and plays. I've tried to watch her, but I get so frustrated I just leave. She needs to develop a sense of independence. I taught her what she needs to do- she just has no will to do it." First of all queen F.A (F.A. = Fat Ass. I'll get into why I call her that in a bit) She needs constant supervision. She's a special needs child. She needs help in everything she does. Even if she was taught to do something, you have to work with her for a long period of time then you can slowly wean her off the help.

Same goes for brushing her teeth. They won't assist her. My little girls' supposed to "just know" how it's done. Hence why I take her to the bathroom and we brush our teeth together

(second- why they won't get her glasses fixed)
She's supposed to have glasses for protection... My little girl broke her glasses almost 2 months ago--- the foster parents still haven't gotten her a new pair, or even tried to fix her old ones. Previously the stems broke, the foster dad had the genius idea to duct tape them onto her glasses. Oh- because that doesn't make her look bad. She's already different b/c of her eye patch and cerebral-palsy, and they duct taped her glasses.... Oh my! The one teacher called home to ask why she still hasn't gotten them. The foster mom say "Well, we can't find any where that will fix them for free. So they aren't getting fixed."

(third- they constantly make cuts and complain about )
That's all I hear from when I first walk in the door to when I leave every Friday and Saturday.

Big News Update:

I went to the school yesterday, like any other day, to get my litter girl off the bus and start work, but she never showed. I figured she missed the bus and the foster mom would drop her off. I waited there for 40 minutes, no kid and no call telling me they were canceling. Eventually I called the foster parents to see what was going on. I got a hold of the mom--- oh and she was faking this big time. I asked why my little girl wasn't in school, she gasped and said "Oh! Didn't you hear?" (Had a heard something, anything, would I have called? Which also turns into "I'm too lazy to call so I'll make you do it) She told me that my little girl, her brother and sister were moved to another foster home. The foster mom doesn't know where they went or if they were coming back. But she said she'd call if she found out anything else. (I highly doubt that)

I'm thankful. She needed a better home and a better set of foster parents. I think she'll thrive in this new environment. I'm gonna miss her.

So your's truly here is now sub working until I get a new client. For the next week and a half I'm in the Portage area, then who knows. I like the change. Except for yesterday- I had to work with a 13 year old male. I never met a lazier person in my life. He fought me an hour as to why he should finish his last 5 vocabulary words in science. If I were allowed to smack one person in life and not get a fine, he'd been it! I never ever ever want to work with another teenager again.

This the only thing new in my life. Ron and I are still going great. It's nice that he's only 10 miles away from my home. So on my bad work days- he'll come cheer me up. Love him so.
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