Baby, it's cold outside!

Nov 30, 2006 15:31

ian: Ian is fervently studying for his Bio exam which is to take place in an hour and a half.
ian: Will he make it?
ian: Tune in next week

me: i don't even have to turn in next week, this cliffhanger is unnecessary because the outcome is so obvious

ian: I read a spoiler online.
ian: and he totally shoots up the school

me: i must say, i'm disappointed with the direction this has gone... i simply thought the only drama would involve ian's desparate attempt to find someone with an extra scantron before the test began! or he forgot to fill in which version of the test it was (A or B?!!? oh gosh!) and then he wouldn't remember! but no.... it went somewhere completely different...

ian: those writers, man.
ian: can't trust 'em.

me: the writer's underestimate just how capable he is of mastering this test
me: it must be the same people behind the OC
me: too much drama too fast

ian: my life is definitely not written by the same people behind the OC

me: well, the beginning of the college years certainly suggests otherwise, in regards to this particular event, er, episode?

i love winter because it changes everything.
it's like, being reborn and waking up and inhaling a chilly, ecstatic breath of fresh air.
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