Where do I get all my ideas from?...well, that would be
1. Reply to this post, because I would like to say a couple words about you.
2. I will also tell you what song(s) remind me of you when I hear it.
3. I will also tell you what celebrity/public [or comic book] person you remind me of, either personality-wise or looks-wise.
4. I will also give ONE WORD that I associate with you when I think of you.
5. We all could use a boost now and then, so steal this for your journal and make someone else's day as well. Or not. I will not really care.
Yeah, normal stuff happened today. I ran three miles. Turns out it is a bit longer than I previously thought. I ran it in 33 minutes. I even walked some of that time. So, I just need to shave off the last three minutes, and I will be good to go for softball. And the good part was I didn't get kidnapped (for those of you in the studio audience who don't live in my neighborhood, this is a very good thing).
I have to go read a lot of stuff in a minute. I was also thinking of watching Spirited Away again, after the failed attempt last night. Also, I think I will start my mandala. So, I guess this means I have to go now. Be seein' ya.
"But I dinna want to go home! I wanna be shot!!"