Piper's Journal, Tuesday 6 October

Oct 06, 2009 15:48

der liev jurnil

mai sKINN ICHES!!!!!!!!!!

annd teh oanli wai tuow furgett teh annoyans of icchy skinn iz tu inraje hermINN buy likking mai sellf in fuul vieuw.

SEND HeaLP but nott skinn sprai orr anythinn taht musst bey rubBD ONN MAI FUOR orr MAI PAUS!!!!!!

Mummmiy haz been slepeing a lott. gud foar sitting onn topp ov and dribbuling inn hur fayce.

IF EYY LOOK IN ENUF CUBBERDS eyy amm convinsed eyy will discovva a roote tuw the ATTIKK thatt duz not rickwire stuwpid sloa hueminns tuw opan teh attikk roove hatcch foer mii!

speshal guest blogger

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