The Interview Game.

Jul 30, 2003 22:36

This is something that several people I know should do. Here are the rules! Roguey asked these questions.

-- Leave a comment saying you want to be interviewed.
-- I will respond by asking you 4 - 6 questions.
-- You will answer those questions in a new post on your LiveJournal.
-- You will include this explanation in your post.
-- If and when other people want to be interviewed, you will ask them 4 - 6 questions.

1. What's the secret to winning at laser tag?
Well, obviously, when you're in a chaotic situation with many black walls, loud pounding music, and lots of people running around armed with Luxury Sedans, you need to...cheat. By this, I mean that if you have three people on your team playing against eighteen other people on two opposing teams, one of your three people should...cheat. The best way to accomplish this is for her to be tall and entirely devoted to standing in front of the home base sensor so that no one can shoot it. She needs to be a strong person, willing to withstand the slings and arrows of misfortune -- or at least of small children hurling insults, laser beams, and (entirely accurate) accusations of being a cheater at her. Also, it helps to have a hyperactive future SWAT team member on your side, as well as a girl who spends the whole time shooting people at long range and then hiding to laugh her head off at the puzzled expressions on their face when they're silently deactivated. Five squared.

2. Favorite local food?
It's gotta be the toasted rav. No, really. It's gotta be know what? Missouri's only local food is corn. And I don't really like corn that much. So, I really have to say that my favorite local food is the food I cook in my own kitchen. Locally. Or the kimchee at Okii Mama.

3. Where's the best place to look for high contrast demonspawn?
On the longest tram in the world. Either that, or wherever you find crowds of giggling, moronic teenagers standing in the dark with a camera that has a little bitty flash. Of course, why you should want to look for them is quite beyond me. In my opinion, they should be taken out and inhumanely shot. ...but that's just me.

4. What do you really want to be when you grow up?
An Oscar Mayer Weiner. Or possibly, you know, a writer and a communication theorist. Whichever works out best -- it's not like I'm gonna set my future in stone right now.

5. Do you like protons, neutrons, electrons, or nuclei best?
Electrons. They're negative, and I can really sympathize with that.

6. Now assign each of the above to everyone you know!
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