New cosplay projects for this next year:
+ Contemplating Ciel's Alice costume version from
Ciel in Wonderland... is anyone interested in doing this? :>
+ Philip from Kamen Rider W (I finally found the color shirt I wanted!!)
Want to do Ciel for Fanime and Philip for Y-con mb. Depends how fast
kyraensui can throw together another Shoutarou. And for
mikageto get the red!troll!moterbike guy together. *Eyes*
I've decided to grow my hair out and stop hacking at it for cosplays. The pros of cutting it for each con period is saving $$ for wigs. The cons are that if you set your hair, you have to wash it like crazy to get all the sh*t out of it if you change costumes (which is often). Part of the reason I refused to change out of Philip for most of Fanime last year. Hahaha. that hair wasn't easy to style.
Dunno how much time I'll have to sew, but I do enjoy working on costumes <3