God help me (rant warning

Dec 17, 2010 02:25

This semester is done!
(Well, one more concert to go)

I can honestly say this was one of the worst semesters I've lived through. God it was bad.
I kept thinking it would get better, and tried to keep a positive attitude but it was no good. I am so. pissed.

Today just put a cap on things. We had a gig that started at 5:45 in a city over an hour away.
At 5:00 my ride was -still- no here and I started freaking out. I called, texted, and was like "where are you???"
He thought the gig started at 7 OTL and there was sitting. f*cking. traffic. on the highways.
The worst part of it is, both of the other people in the car were too scared to call the manager, so they insisted that I (the only person who knew the proper call-time, and had actual directions) call. I even asked not to be the one to call because I was already on their sh*tlist for double-booking myself on the first rehearsal (which I negotiated by going to half of). But noo... so I called. I got lectured and yelled at. ONLY me. I don't understand why this keeps happening. Is it this city? Is it the people who live here? The other day, two people tried to back out of our studio recital the NIGHT BEFORE. Less that 9 hours before the concert. I wanted to scream at them, asking wtf are they expecting? Why make a commitment then back out of it because you feel 'I'm not ready'? Who DOES feel like they/re ready? Suck it the f*ck up and get on with life!

The saddest thing is that this has been going on the entire semester. People tell me false things. They give false promises. They turn around and start whining that things aren't going their way, things aren't what they expected, someone else got what they wanted, blah blah blah. Just seriously... life isn't going to give you gold on a platter. You have to work for it. Earn it. Omfg.

I think I have to see a psychiatrist to get rid of these headaches I put myself in.
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