(no subject)

Sep 03, 2010 04:25

Nino's singing voice revitalizes my broken soul and self-esteem haha.
I didn't realize a number of faculty at my school don't like me. I always thought their behavior toward me was just personal difficulties they had, and left them alone. But recently, two faculty vocalized some remarks against me and it was really hurtful. I tried using words, but it's not making it any better. I think maybe it's time to move on, go away if it's not working. It's sad because they were people I respected SO much. It really hurts. I'm spending my days in the practice floor avoiding them if I'm outside my room.

I'm trying to change myself, because the remarks attacked my personal being. I think it's just making me stranger and  more paranoid though. I must find a good balance.

Best thing ever happened today. My private violin teacher was having a recital in San Francisco, and we were able to arrange THREE carfulls of people to go all the way from Sac to SF! About 12 people all rushed after our evening orchestra rehearsal and sped down the I-80 all the way to the SF Conservatory :)) It was really great~ even mingmingcheong  went too! It's really weird that he knows all my schoolmates!!! FUFU.

Anyways~ cr*ppy pasttimes made better by getting to hear my teacher play, and also.. PRUSSIA TROLLING.

OMFGBBQ I still need to post my Europe Trip Report. 

hetalia, san francisco, arashi!, music, fail!life

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