Horror stories committed in sleeplessness.

May 30, 2009 00:14

I've been doing some amazing things to my burn lately.

- I spilled chili sauce across it. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt... maybe the iron burned through my nerves lolol.
- I tore off the most sensitive part of the scab off by accident. This didn't hurt either... it happened when I got out of teh shower and dabbed it dry with a tissue. I should never become a nurse...
- I scrapped it across my bike  frame (it's on the inner side of my knee). That hurt a little.

To people who are grossed out and don't know wth I'm talking about (sorry), I dropped a hot iron on my knee two days before Fanime while working on cosplays.  ORZ  Faillllll... ouch.

It's healing though! I put neosporin on it and cover it when gauze every night. I'm so good wahoo~


The other day, I was was biking home when I found the bike tunnel I usually take was closed off because of.. tree cutting I dunno. Maybe they were building a treehouse. I was too lazy to go the long way around, so I... cut across a field and climbed up a hill to cross teh railroad tracks so I can get to the other side. The hillside was steep and covered in gravel, so it was really hard to get up with my bike (I fell a number of times). After a while of trying (*is stubborn*), I realized that I might not be able to get down on the other side anyways, so I put down my bike and climbed up to the top to check. I looked up and... the train was going by. I... it was less than 2 meters away from me. I really don't know how I didn't notice. I was wearing headphones, so I couldn't hear it, and the ground didn't shake at all... plus, I was really tired. Ahhhh wth...

Then, then THEN! While I was waiting for the train to go by, one of the workers (they were all looking at me lawl) suddenly walked up to my bike and picked it up. I thought he was going to yell at me or take off with my bike and was like "ARGH NO STOPIT" but then HE BROUGHT IT UP TO ME *sparkles* AMIGAD so grateful Q_Q He said, "sorry about the bike tunnel" and "Be careful of the train" and I felt so... guilt/happy/*SHINE*~ <33

I fell going down the other side, of course, but no injury! I did get a strange rash on my legs from walking through all the plants in the field though ORZ DO NOT WANT.


Later, I noticed a plant thing was stuck in my leg while I was biking,  so I pulled it out then stretched my leg up on my handlebars so I could check for more thorny things... while I was biking. I had one hand on the handlebars and one opposite leg on the other side... There were a lot of cars around me, but I didn't hit any of them! So proud~ *w* I am a responsible biker

I want to draw pr0nz, but must finish commissions first.. sorry for the brainless entry *tired*~

injuries, school

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