Dec 08, 2004 13:40
Well yay. Shawn broke up with me this morning. Apparently I am great, but I am also moving home and long distance relationships suck. I wish I could say that he was an asshole, but he's not. He's a really good guy. That makes it all the more sucky that he's not my guy anymore. I am upset. I totally did not see this coming, especially a week and a half before I am scheduled to move home. So I went by Amanda's for her lunchtime 21st birthday celebration. I joined her for her first drink as a 21 year old. The wine has turned my sadness into upsetness. I am not happy with the way things went today. I really really liked him. I thought we were getting along really well. I suppose that if he felt the way he seemed to feel about me that he would have atleast given the long distance thing a chance. Maybe I was just oblivious to his true feelings. My roommate had a good point that maybe he just wanted a temporary thing from the beginning. Who knows. When I asked him what else might have added to his decision to break it off, he didn't really come up with anything that was negative about me. He said I was more than nice and stuff. Maybe there was other stuff that he just didn't want to say to my face. Again, who knows. I feel sad because I really liked him and dumb because I didn't really think this was going to happen the way it did. Oh well. In life you win some and you lose some. Like I said, I still think he's a good guy. He said he still wants to talk and stuff, but I'm not sure if I can do that right now. I mean, if I saw him somewhere I would chat with him and be cool, but would I be willing to go out of my way to hang with him? Maybe not. This is just the icing on a not good week.