Hello F'list! I am still alive ;) I have been... well not even that busy and I keep (as ever) MEANING to post but never quite getting to it.
However I have finally done something exciting to post about - gone to pony camp!!
Except pony camp was a lot of hard work and riding and horse stuff and drinking wine later and I am too sleepy to post coherently. So instead, pictures!
ziggy in her new quarters
Jumping baaaby jumps (it still FEELS big)
Note jumps were small but we were going Fast. There was no breeze, that is all Impulsion!
(also the jumps DID get bigger, but they were taking photos elsewhere by then)
Are we Small, or Far Away?
Me and the lovely judith (who did all the driving to get us there) about to go for our final lesson. Horses not impressed with this plan.
Tired (and probably fed up with all this working) horses looking for an escape route
Necarne is a very very beautiful place
Will try to post more comprehensive post tomorrow, when I may have Moar Brane (aslo I want to record a lot of what we did and the technical parts we were taught before i forget it all).
In summary, pony camp = AWESOME.