(no subject)

Feb 11, 2009 12:15

Sleepy today. So sleepy. However I have a tale to relate of Bravery and Courage in the face of... well. You shall see.

Yesterday evening, got home from work, went up to stables to slide about on the ice so more (so much fun) and actually ride, since I didn't on Monday. This all went well, didn't fall over on ice or off horse, which makes it a win on both counts.

This, combined with having done Lots of Walking (for me) left me feeling confident, pleased, slightly sore in the ankle area and, most of all, hungry. So food was important. Quick food at that. Stir fry! I thought.
Then, I remembered. IT was there, in the fridge. Waiting.
Tonight would be the night!

You see, about a week ago, while idly pottering around Big Tesco, I remembered needing soy sauce. Located soy sauce and there, beside it, looking innocuous, was... TOFU. I looked at it.
I pondered.
A madness took me and I thought 'oh why not?' and threw it in the basket.
I had sampled this Substance in resturants a few times and had not died, and thus for a while have harboured thoughts of trying it at home in an attempt to be less of a really crap vegetarian (am terrible. No cheese, no pasta, no sweetcorn (the devil's droppings), no... most things. Worst Vegetarian Ever).
So, I brought it home in its little cardboard box, put it in the fridge and proceeded to studiously ignore it in favour of Safe, Known foods.

However, I was bouyed up by the successful walking, riding, not falling etc, so it was Time to Tackle The Tofu. Totally.

Of course, this being an extreme move, comforting food was also required, so first made oven chips. Then chopped veg for stirfry. Located wok after some hunting. Fetched little cardbox box of the UNKNOWN from fridge. Carefully read helpful directions 'open and drain'
Drain? DRAIN? What was IN this box (note, I never before encountered this stuff in its raw, natural state...)??

Found collender to decant The Tofu into. Found scissors. Snip snip snip , opened box. Upended box. And out it... slithered. A big block of wobbly, icky white stuff. That SLITHERED. EEEEEEEE.

Fled to other side of kitchen to safety. Food should not SLITHER. It should definitely not slither DAMPLY.
However, I am a Strong and Confident Woman. I have tackled many things. I have faced Various Dangers, and even Mild Peril. And zombie mice. Surely I can cope with TOFU!?!

I approached it cautiously. It didn't seem about to make any sudden movements, other than wobbling slightly, so I rinsed it under the tap as directed. Then got kitchen roll to dry it, also as directed.
Very Gingerly, slid it out of collendar onto plate. Then, I made the mistake of TOUCHING it. EEEEEEEEEEE.
This time, I did only retreat a few steps, not all the way across the kitchen. EEEEE tho.
It is a disturburing substance, I have to say.

At this point, I nearly gave in. I was going to have to CUT this stuff and that meant... handling it. But I had come this far! Put tasty garlic & ginger oil in wok to heat (also from tesco, v. nice), to lure self with smell. Checked Chips of Safety, to reassure self all would not be lost if this... stuff was a disaster. Or evil. Or deadly.

While it was safely hidden under paper, patted it 'dry'. Now the hard part (so far). Transferred it to chopping board and got a knife. A long knife, so I wouldn't have to get too close.
Cut off some slices. Well, I say 'cut', I poked it with the knife and bits slid off *shudders*
Cut slices into cubes. Cut cubes into smaller cubes (my standard method for coping with New Food is to try it in as tiny a portion as possible, in case it kills me. Or tastes odd. Or is Frondy *eyes broccoli*).
At this point I realise I am making a face akin to when I am faced with a dead mouse. Or... any new and suspicious food (a face thesme no doubt knows well [1] see Artistic Reconstruction below).
So, to steel nerves further, I text thesme_01 with the important news. Now, there is no way out.

The Stuff has been cut, the oil is hot. Quickly, and touching as little of it as possible, dump it into wok. Then, transfer the remaining Icky White Wobbly Damp Slithery Block to a bowl, cover with cling film and hide it in the fridge.

Return to wok and prod bits now cooking. and... Squeaking. SQUEAKING? What?
Food should surely not SQUEAK when cooked? or is this to encourage meat eaters/ex-meat eaters that it is a viable food stuff?
It also JUMPS about the wok. WTF? is it ALIVE after all?

Ahem. Anyway. Fried the living daylights out of it, squeaks or no squeaks. It does shrink quite a bit. Especially when it is in tiny pieces to start with ;p
Tried a teeny tiny piece. Was crunchy and mostly tastless. Was greatly relieved.

Stirfried rest of veg, then added Very Well Fried Tofu and some sauce, piled all on plate with Chips of Safety. And... ate it!

Result? I did not die horribly! Or feel ill. Or anything!
I eated it!
Not sure I could cope with it in Big Chunks, but small fried pieces seem doable.

Which is good because the rest of it is still... there.
In the fridge.


*tries to think happy thoughts*

Any tips, hints, tasty things to do with it (that require minimum Handling) gratefully recieved! How long does it last after being released into the open anyway?

After this great adventure and really quite tasty dinner, I retreated to the safety of the sofa and the mud, and somehow ended up playing monopoly Exclusive Possession til after Two AM. Lost first game and obviously had to try again.
Second time, I did win! Kinda by default, tho it was probably just as well cos the game could well have gone on another hour. But still. Go me!

So yes.
Yesterday = Success, Bravery and WIN all round.
Today = Oh God, is it Bedtime yet?

[1] Artistic Representation of the New And Suspicious Food Face, by thesme
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