Pic spam

Sep 13, 2008 15:07

There is actually SUNSHINE out there. BLUE SKIES! It's WARM. Quite amazing. So, since I am doing bugger all else today (due to fun with nail surgery yesterday), I decided a spot of pottering about the garden was in order. Deheading roses, mild weeding, that kind of thing.

Back in May, adelpha and kelemvor came to visit and among other adventures, they helped me plant lots of Lovely Things in the garden and I promised photos of how everything was doing. Then it RAINED for the next three months.

However all the planted things have indeed survived! Except the blue poppy, which sadly fell victim to trampling by the guys who cut the hedge :/ Due to the rainy summer and laziness, there are also a few weeds in there too. And some stuff I know we never planted, but just appeared!


(as always, clicky for larger!)

Yes. A *few* weeds. No idea where the big yellow daisy things came from, I know we didn't plant those! Also, the poppies seem to have migrated towards the house.

In fact, after some weeding, it appears pretty much *everything* has migrated towards the house. I have no idea why, it is shadier there (as the pictures demonstrate) but there hasn't been any sun! The yellow daisy things are nice and colourful tho. And very plentiful.

As you can see tho, the mint has coped with being moved ;p The rosemary is doing well and nothing can kill that bloody fennel. There is MORE of it cropping up now ;p

Also, bonus nastercium! No idea where that came from. Found one in among the roses too!

Can't get into weed out the midde due to stupid bandages on toes and only being able toe wear sandals. But, I made some inroads ;p And everything we planted is still alive! So, yay ;)

garden, pics

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