List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself and tag seven others -
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thesme_01 I'm sure I've done this, or something similar before. Ah well ;p Some random things then.
1, I get obsessively addicted to Minesweeper - once I start, I can't stop. Possibly because I am not very good at it, but am convinced that NEXT TIME I will defeat it. Once I start winning, I lose interest. For a while.
2, I have strong Views on the futility of matching socks. Life is FAR too short to waste time doing that, when you could be off reading, mudding, being productive, creative, sociable... or playing just one more game of Minesweeper. This also applies to Ironing.
Today, I am wearing one blue sock and one black one with red toes.
3, After reading
shambelina's list, I want to have my boobs weighed
4, I do not like feet. I especially don't like people touching or even looking at my feet. This has made the whole extended medical process around the broken ankle even less fun at times. Am REALLY not looking foward to the Podiatrist part.
5, I have c. 14 euro in my pocket. I do not know why.
6, I hate the fact the the crutch clicks when I walk so I can't sneak up on people at work and scare them anymore :/
7, I passed James Nesbitt in the street on the way to get lunch today and had to strongly fight the urge to trip the smug git up with my crutch.
Tagging um... who hasn't been tagged by this already? Consider yourself tagged ;p