themse_01. and
lazy_hoor and... anyone else who fancies some Hot Twin Doctors (and who wouldn't?)
For the unintiated the Hot Twin Doctors are travelling to Remote Places to try Native Medicines. For... science, or something. In the very Scientifically titled
Medicine Men Go Wild.
It is very informative and educational and there is much comparing of Native Practices to Western Medicines and also hot sweaty twin angst.
With Crocodiles!
Also, Piercings. OUCH WTF?
And look! They even dress up as FISHERMEN. Like Medicine Men go Deadliest Catch ;p
Tho. I didn't realise at first they were sitting on a Dead Whale. I'm not sure what that's about...
More photos
here So, in conclusion? SCIENCE.
Whack and unwrap indeed ;p