Feb 28, 2007 12:00
And still the cheery mood continues, which is great! I hope the rest of you are similarly chipper.
V. little to report otherwise, work is calm, horse is good, everything is just ticking over as normal really.
Having lunch today with BFF Lisa and her little babby, tho even after 6 months the concept of L with baby is hard to get my head around. In my mind we're still both 16 and talking about which boys we fancy, stupid history essays and who'll be at the disco on saturday night.
Can't wait for a proper catch-up session. Which could take some time - once we get started nattering we tend to find it hard to stop, regardless if we haven't seen each other for months or just a couple of hours.
So there's another thing to be cheerful about - good friends. Best things EVAR.