(no subject)

Aug 22, 2006 10:45

So what DID actually happen at the weekend? I meant to do this yesterday, but it was just too much effort :p

Friday -
Arrived only an hour late, got driven sadly slowly (stupid hay lorry) to Cottage by Dan, then Miv & Malvino came and took us to the pub.
Pub v. lovely. Had cider, thipe arrived, had MORE CIDER. Sat in tents amid much rain, thunder and lightening. Unwisely left camera out unattended (poor poor camera). Had MORE CIDER.
Miv got one of the bar staff girls to take us back to the cottage; Malvino did his best to disturb her. Got out of car, grabbed bags of shopping and EGGS.
Promptly fell down steps into puddle, but SAVED THE EGGS. Sat in puddle laughing til someone dragged me out of it. The bruise on my arm is, btw very impressively black and blue now (see below for PICS)

Had MORE CIDER, played Pop-up Pirate (ARRRR), watched Wrath of Khan with no sound and... probably other stuff. This part is Vague. Oh, Malvino's arse (woe).
Then bed.

Shuffled about like zombies, drank much tea, waited for others to arrive, amid many confused phone calls.
thipe demonstrated quite amazing ability to get lost repeatedly.
Got costumed up, yay! Sadly didn't think to take photos of people in costumes before alcohol happened. But we had, for medieval theme, A ranger, a Lady, a wench (moi), A monk and 2 pirates (1 wench, 1 Gay Emo Pirate).
Arrived at pub; caused much amusement and hilarity amid non-dressed up patrons. Drank cider.

The weather took a *slight* turn for the worse, what with the torrential rain and high winds, so we moved into one of the tents (well the cider was getting wet).
Watched with much amusement Miv & barstaff trying to put up another marquee tent thing in wind and rain. Drank More Cider.
Created much fine art by way of drawings, stories and haiku - any of it scanned yet thesme_01?; attacked (ok, spanked) each other with swords, shot at each other with Medieval Pirate Flintlock; scared people sitting around us (check out nervous looking couple in table beside us in teh photos). Drank More Cider.
Danced in the rain; SPLITTERS decided they didn't like being cold and wet and tired and went home at 9ish, leaving myself, Dasquian, Thipe & Dan (WINOLJ) behind. Drank More Cider.

Things get vague. Much Gay Emo Pirating and general silliness (because we're from the internet donchaknow). Moved into the Tent O' Miv for great comfy seat goodness. And because the Rockabilly band were getting annoying and causing ENDLESS Vic & Bob style club singing *stares*. Drank More Cider.
Some large idiot tried to pick a fight with the Dread Gay Emo Pirate Big Beard, leaning to Stern Miv. Drank More Cider.

Bar Shut! WOE! Miv turned out lights. Sat in Tent of Emo Darkness (WOE) til moxy_bounce very kindly came to pick us up. Got back to cottage, watched end of film with splitters. Watched Hairy Nun Porn. Or rather hairy Un-Porn.
Tried to explain concept of Malkovich Door to Ali. Mostly by saying Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich. Tried looking up Malkovich via phone for further enlightenment.
Drank more cider.

PAIN. Pub; NO CIDER. Not much voice. Much coke. Crisps with vital snake regonition info. Very Disturbingly Wrong Conversations about the origins of big foot. More coke.
Airport. VERY VERY DULL AIRPORT. More pain, home.


ps thipe, I give you The Blood Hoff. Remember children, this is a Disturbing Image.
pps Who else did I promise links to, and what of? I was to send someone the ebaumsworld dramatic reading thing I think...

pints, links

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