The grass is cut, finally! And just in time too *peers out at rain*. Just a rough first cut, but still, it's a start! I was about to begin the reclaimation of the flower beds, but I think I'll leave that til the rain stops.
Tho of course that means I may have to tidy *indoors* instead. Hmm. Lunch first I think ;p
Gig last night was great! Davey played his stuff then got Another Guy up, who was very good in a Radiohead stylee, then a bloke who just played guitar who was also damn good. Then finally Some Other Guy got up and sang and was amazing. Davey rounded off the evening with some more of his songs and a lovely version of Black is the Colour and we all drank and were Merry.
Afterwards, we went back to Declan's were we drank more, smoked some and got even more merry while Davey and Seamie showered
_unhurt_ and I with ridiculously over the top compliments, which was GREAT.
Apparently , I exude statuesque magnificence. Go me!
There should be more nights like that :p
ETA further accomplishments now include -
leisurely lunch lounging on sofa with mag
letter writing
kitchen cleaned
livingroom floor cleaned
And now, To the stables! To ride off into the sunset - with statuesque magnificence of course ;p