Save Tara!

Mar 03, 2006 12:52

Mostly for tyrell and thesme_01 there has been a new Intarweb group been set up for the Save Tara campaign - if you're interested

Also thesme, while clearing out Annie's stuff, I came across her copy of Home on the Page and thanks to the joys of photocopiers, I now have my own copy. And 'Abide Wood Quay' firmly stuck in my head!

ETA SONGS! By Tom Delaney

(to the tune of the Sash)
For the Chambered tombs of Ireland
Were built by those long longs jews
For they circumscribed their forecourts
And as mixers stand accused,
For when they buried one of them
They packed in many more
Like his thirty one first cousins
And his seven favourite whores!

(to the tune of 'i wish I was in Carrickfergus')

I wish I wasn't in Carrickfergus
And to be absent is sweet sunny lands.
I would give over my fine State Pension
To leave my excavations in some others' hands;
For the site is wet and I cannot find natural
And neither have I the pumps to dry!
I would divine me a handsome Hymac
To bulldoze over my site and I.

And in Carreras it is reported
They've gold and silver from making 'cigs'
With press reporters I did approach them
To finance my family, my drinking and the Dig.
So we're drunk today and we're seldom sober,
The Urban topers match round for round;
Ah! but I'm sick and my time is over
Come all you Trowelers and lay me down.

songs, archaeology

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