How to trap a man like wild game and mount his head on the wall /get married

Jan 23, 2006 14:56

Discussions elsewhere led to talk of the Rules for dating. I remembered some of this from various media fuss a few years back but thought I'd go refresh my memory. and O.M.G.
Do people expect this crap to work? Does any woman actually WANT a guy who falls for this crap?

Here they are... In summary at least. Apparently tehre are at least 3 books you have to buy to get the full set.

1. Be a "creature unlike any other." - helo I am a UNICORN *prance prance*. That'd work down the pub.
2. Don't talk to a man first (and don't ask him to dance) - Basically, sit down, shut up and Know Your Place.
3. Don't meet him halfway or go dutch with him on a date. Because all men want is more dependants to make them feel Manly and needed?
4. Don't call him and rarely return his phone calls. Well I can see "don't call 3 times a day for weeks after you first meet' (hi mivvvv) but surely if you never bothered, he'd just give up? And isn't not return calls just plain rude?
5. Always end phone calls first. huh? WHY? WHY?
6. Don't accept a Saturday night date after Wednesday. "Why I'm terribly sorry sir, my Dance Card is full" Nope. Sit at home bored and lonely but secure in the knowledge he's off out having fun with a girl with SENSE.
7. Always end the date first. again WHY? and how? bugger off half way through dinner? Watch his every move for signs he may be Ending The Date and scram?
8. Stop dating him if he doesn't buy you a romantic gift for your birthday or Valentines day. Yes, because you don't want a companion, you just want PRESENTS. Buy Me Pretty things or NO SEX FOR YOU!
9. Don't see him more than once or twice a week. because keeping up this false facade is bloody difficult and since that's what he's presumably meant to be falling for we can't risk him discovering the Real You!
10. No more than casual kissing on the first date. What exactly constitues casual kissing? And how do you a. tell and b. stop it when it becomes more business like?
11. Don't tell him what to do. Back to Woman, KNOW YOUR PLACE I fear.
12. Don't expect a man to change or try to change him. well.. this one isn't so bad. Because if you dont' like him the way he is now, why bother? Instead of trying to make this one into that one, just go get that one!
13. Don't open up too fast. Um. I'm guessing they mean emotionally here. No Sobbing on a First Date Girls. Now I know where I've gone wrong all these years!
14. Don't date a married man. Again, they may be going with the slightly too obvious here. Are there any Rules for People With IQs Above 60? or are they just assuming girls=teh dumb?
15. Be easy to live with. WKYP yet again.
16. Don't stare at men or talk too much. WTF? Seriously WTF? NO LOOKING. Only Speak When Spoken to! CF 15, 11 & 2
17. Don't live with a man (or leave your things in his apartment). Because if you do he'll never marry you! Remember luring him into MARRIAGE under false pretenses is what we're all about here! See for further clarification of this.
18.Even if you're engaged or married, you still need the rules. You mean once he's snared I can't drop the pretense? Fuck.
19. Do the Rules even when your friends or parents think you're nuts! I think that one says it all really.
20 Be Smart and other rules for dating in high school.
21 Take Care of yourself and other Rules for dating in college. I'm assuming this and 20 are Other Books you have to buy.
22 Next! And other Rules for dealing with Rejection. I'm assuming this, 20 & 21 are Other Books you have to buy. BUT surely if I follow The Rules I will never be rejected because all men REALLY want a stepford wife?
23 Don't discuss the Rules with your therapist. because s/he might actually talk some sense in you and tell you to grow up and act like an Actual Person not a barbie doll.
24Don't break the Rules. You'll get seven years back luck and die alone and be eaten by alasations!!1!1!1!!
25Do the Rules and you'll live happily ever after. Just like Snow White and Cinderella and all those other fairy tale princesses who's fairy tales ended the second they got married. Probably in more ways than one.
26Love only those who love you. I think this trite piece of meaningless self-help clap trap just about rounds it all off nicely


Is this some sort of American thing I don't get? Do you really have to be a Stepford Wife out there to trap get your man? Because nothing says Love like completely surpressing your personality!
Actually I'm fairly sure it's a complete load of bollocks and crap like this is why people assume all single women are desperate predators out stalking for fresh meat to drag back to the cage.
Are there any guys out there this WOULD work on (other than malvino Ladies, we have a target!)?
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