Hi, how are you? Are you doing okay in that peepee soaked heck hole? You make me recognise my flaws and simultaneous luck. What or who is bloodlust? Anorexics make me feel ashamed, yet self-righteous. Also, fat, yes. :S Good luck to you!
Haha, sorry, am currently logged in as my advice-giving alter ego. Only realised AFTER I'd replied, and didn't want to spam your post with corrections.
I hope you feel better. Have fun! *cringe*
This is why I should NOT have an advice-giving alter ego... :S
bloodlust is an extreme metal festival.
Btw I hope that isn't a "friend" of yours!
May I ask if you are in similar condition to the majority of the others there?
And how are you typing this right now..?!
no, the picture is just something I found.
I am in a fairly similar condition, mostly they come by the ward for depression - I am scitzoaffective.
I am currently on leave for a couple of hours and enjoying some time at home.
I hope you feel better. Have fun! *cringe*
This is why I should NOT have an advice-giving alter ego... :S
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