Dec 25, 2008 19:57
Today is Christmas! It went well.
Some of things I got: new digital camera (finally, updated facebook pics here I come!), Guitar Hero: On Tour, Apples to Apples, books, money, giftcards, socks, hair straightener (this surprised me, but it's red leopard print, just like my pants!), a Snoopy watch that has him laying on the world with "Save Our Planet" written underneath, and a new change purse (that I picked out myself).
Not too bad. Just finished watching the movie Hancock, which was way different than I imagined, but I liked it.
I have the after-xmas what-do-I-do-now blues. It's such a weird feeling. Though I will probably play GH for hours and hours tomorrow.
PS: If ONE MORE PERSON asks me how I like college, I might just explode. I seriously can't come up with a better answer than "Awesome", because I truly can't sum it up in words. Most of it is just experiences anyway. And some of it I obviously can't tell adults, since they'd probably think I was nuts. or it's slightly or all the way not legal. I don't know...maybe since EVERY SINGLE family member has asked me the same question and I'm kinda tired of answering.