Jul 01, 2008 22:27
i finally went out and bought my MacBook Pro (mostly because I'm impatient and couldn't wait any longer). I got the 'free' ipod touch and printer/scanner/copier. it cost me a little over 3 grand, which is the majority of my grad money. but i get about $500 back in rebates.
i made bank at my grad party: so far its 3,725. I've been gettin some scraggler checks, and i have yet to get anything from most of moms side of the fam.
I haven't felt that good today; i think i caught what Danny had. my parents are being dumb. I'm in this totally bad mood right now, and they choose to pick fights when they know im not feeling good and am in a bad mood. so they deserved the bitching that i unleashed at them.
maybe im just extra tired or something.