Jan 26, 2008 21:28
gah! second semester starts in TWO DAYS! that is flippin unbelievable. plus, i'm 18. it feels really weird to say that too. I haven't even pulled the "i'm 18 you can't tell me what to do" on the parentals yet, so it doesn't feel any different. which is weird.
scholarships are killing me. that scholarships for scholars is a pain in my ass! its due in a week; i just read it and now ive got to write all that crap. why can't they just hand over the dough and be done with it?
and trim on monday. cavanaugh is really pissing me off. nothing new. he can kiss my ass.
ive read two books this weekend, and it feels really GREAT! gah, how ive missed my literary adventures.
the preview show was today, and it went OK, there were 6 drops (quite a lot), and even if it sounded bad from my POV on the floor; watching the video, it wasn't really THAT bad. but we still have a shitload of work to do.