for those of you who asked for birth story

Apr 12, 2009 13:45

Very sorry guys this is gonna be a slightly long BS.

After loads of problems with high blood pressure and the hospital messing around, I was finaly admited to Labour Ward on Thursday evening 29th Jan to begin induction. At around 8pm I was given a prostyn gel and sent up to a ward to rest and see if anything happend. Nothing did and after waiting most of the day to see a Dr to review me and decide what they would like to do it was 3pm before she arrived on ward. They decided to use another prostyn and wait overnight again with the posibility of a 3rd prostyn Saturday. Anyway at around 2am I started pains and my mucus plug was also finaly coming away. By 6 the pains were a lot worse, a bath and pain killers did not help.

A Dr came round to review at about 9 and she decided that they would send me down to Labour as it was now possible to break my waters and put me on the drip rarther than another prostyn. So at 11 I was down on Labour ward and had my waters broken and placed on the drip. Pains satarted to get worse and closer throughout the next couple of hours but it wasn't till around 2 that I started on Gas n Air. At 3 I decided I needed a pethidine injection which was given. I was examined again at 4 and was 3cm Dilated so things moving nicely.

Contractions increased rapidly over the next 2 hours so much so the brought forward the 8pm examination to 6pm where they discoverd I was now 7cm Dilated. Another hour passed and I felt as if I was ready to push, MW checked and I was fully Dilated and was told I could push when I wanted.

I pushed for an hour and 1/2 without anymore pain relife yet nothing was happening much. I was checked over by a senior MW who was worried the baby wasn't moving down so she had to get a Dr. After 3 Drs and another 15 mins of pushing it was decided that I would need to be taken in for an Emergency C Section as to contiune the labour would have been traumatic for baby and myself as by that time I felt I could push no more.

I opted to have a spinal so Craig could be present as well, so I was taken down while he gowned up. When Craig arrived they were already working on me and after around 5 mins at 9.41pm on 31st Jan 2009 Clayton Craig William Harrison was born weighing 6lbs 10 1/2 oz.

Arrived home 3 days later had a good night with him. All is well.

Hope you are all well all I know is it is great to be a mum and home and had my baby in Jan.

He is now 10wks old and time is going so fast. Will update properly in the next few days with a pic as well.
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