Long survey thing

Dec 31, 2004 05:34

Name: Dean
Nicknames: Dean the Bean
Birthday: May 26th, 1989
Birthplace: Colorado!


Current taste: Big K Root Beer
Current hair: grossness, i need to shower but getting long
Current clothes: element pants, and quiksilver skirt
Current annoyance: bad people on Xbox Live
Current smell: umm...air
Current thing I should be doing: sleeping
Current windows open: livejournal and AIM
Current desktop picture: bear falling out of a tree with and "oh snap" caption
Current favorite bands: Taking Back Sunday, My Chemical Romance and the Varsity
Current cd in stereo: both TBS ones
Current crush: ;)
Current favorite celeb(s): adam lazzara
Current hate: Bad Halo2 people

=Do I=

Smoke?: negative
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: nope
Read the newspaper?: eh..
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: i know some
Believe in miracles?: sometimes
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: you can say that
Consider love a mistake?: nah
Have a favorite candy?: REESES!
Believe in astrology?: sure
Believe in magic?: no
Believe in god?: he has his moments
Have any pets: im watching over my grandmas kitten right now
Go to or plan to go to college: yes
Have any piercing?: no
Have any tattoos?: no
Hate yourself: ..what the hell kinds of question is that, no
Have an obsession?: yes
Have a secret crush?: maybe
Do they know yet?: maybe
Have a best friend?: All my friends are my best friends, so...jerrad, derek, jeff, colin, jud..you know
Wish on stars?: not really.
Care about looks?: i suppose

=Love life=

First crush:
First kiss: haha...michelle
Single or attached?: single
Ever been in love?: dont think so
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Yeah
Do you believe in "the one?": yes
Describe your ideal significant other: shorter than me, amazing eyes, nice smile, any color hair but preferably black, fun fun fun

=Word association=

Rubber: tires
Green: GO!
Wet: haha...ok rain
Cry: dad
Peanut: Butter
Hay: Nay
Cold: michigan
Steamy: hottub
Fast: cars
Rain: awesomeness
Bite: my grandmas cat!


Hair color: brownish/blonde
Eye color: lime greenish...i cant tell
Height: 5'-9"


Bought: McDonalds breakfast
Ate & Drank: Taco Bell and Root Beer
Read: Harry Potter Year 5
Watched on tv: Family Guy
Thing you did: Played Halo 2

=either / or=

cats or dogs: dogs
single or taken: single
pen or pencil: pencil
gloves or mittens: gloves
food or candy: food
cassette or cd: cd
coke or Pepsi: can i go with root beer...i guess coke
this or that: this

=last person you=

Called: I dont call people, they call me
Talked to: Derek

=have you ever...=

Dated one of your best friends: never dated
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry: yes
Broken the law: yes
Run away from home: no
Broken a bone: nope im unbreakable
Played Truth Or Dare: yes
Kissed someone you didn't know: Yeah
Come close to dying: car accidents...nothing bad though

=what is=

The most embarrassing CD in your collection: i love all my cds
Your bedroom like: the greatest place anyone can possibly be
Your favorite thing for breakfast: McDonalds
Your favorite restaurant: Sparkies

=random questions=

What's on your bedside table: Clock, Phone, junk 
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night: fruit snacks
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie: The only movie ive come close to crying was The Butterfly Effect
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you get done?: Nothing
What is your biggest fear: losing my friends
Do you ever have to beg: nah
Are you a romantic: sure
Do you have too many love interests: Um..no
Crushes: maybe
Do you know anyone famous: I met the varsity
Describe your bed: glory among all the rest...7 pillows, greatest matress ever, down comforter and a heated blanket
Spontaneous or plain: spontaneous
Do you know how to play poker: yup
How do you drive: wrecklessly
What do you miss most about being little: my dad...
Are you happy with your given name: yes..but i want my real last name back
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year: quite a bit
What was the last song you were listening to: spitalfield - five days and counting
Have you ever been in a play?: yea.
Who are your best friends?: Jerrad, Derek, Jeff, Colin and Jud
Do you talk a lot?: I can
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: yeah
Do you think you're cute?: I am beautiful haha
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: i cant be mean i dont think
Do you spend more time with your girlfriends, boyfriends, or your friends? All i have our friends so friends
What is the first thing you think when you see two gay guys or lesbians holding hands? haha...thats all i just give a little giggle
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