I stole this shiz off
matertenebrarum That's funny.
I could leave the first few answers just about alone!
What are your middle names? Everyone knows mine [well, you should if you read one of my earlier posts] is Fe`. Keith's middle name is Andrew.
How long have you been together? Since June 19, 1999
How long did you know each other before you started dating? 6 months via the internet.
Who asked who out? No one really... I got kicked out and moved in with him.
How old are each of you? I am 28, he is 31.
Whose siblings do/ did you see the most? Mine. We only see His sister once a year (or twice if she is lucky).
Do you have any children together? Nope, just 4 kitties and a pup. And it's gonna stay that way.
Pets? Spooky, Bella, Kitty Butt, Brandy and Boo.
Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? WHAT TO HAVE FOR DINNER... seriously. that is it. were lame.
Did you go to the same school? College.
Are you from the same home town? nope. Philly and Quakertown
Who is the smartest? Keith
Who is the most sensitive? Neither of us. were jerks.
Where do you eat out most as a couple? Millers Ale House. Keith loves it there.
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Florida
Who has the craziest exes? Me... but that's only by default. Keith don't have any exes... he was going for perfection ;) He fucked up, just don't know it yet.
Who has the worst temper? Me, but when he does get mad it's kinda frightening.
Who does the cooking? ME! I forbid him.
Who is more social? Me. big time. I remember when people didn't think Keith was real. I made him up. he didn't exist. only people who had known he was real for a good long time I could count on one hand....
Who is the neat-freak? Keith. but I think my slobbery has caused him to give up.
Who is the more stubborn? we both are.
Who hogs the bed? honestly... KEITH. bastard.
Who wakes up earlier? depends. now its Keith. when I go back to work, it will be me a lot more.
Where was your first date? ...the day I moved in with him?
Who has the bigger family? me. a bunch of flips and gooks LOL.
How do you spend the holidays? together. Christmas is with my sister. no ifs ands or buts about it.
Who is more jealous? We both are.
How long did it take to get serious? instantly.
Who eats more? I honestly think he does. he has a wooden leg and it pisses my fat ass off.
Who does/ did the laundry? Keith
Who's better with the computer? Keith. it's his degree. he has to be.
Who drives when you are together? Me... Keith still don't have his License. lozer.