Title: Worth the Risk
Fandom: Ultimate X-Men
Characters: Rogue/Gambit/Juggernaut
Prompt: #15 Raining on Sunday
Word Count: 530
Summary: A stolen glimpse can often make things worse.
At first he hadn't followed her. There really had been no reason to if he was honest. Even if Juggernaut hadn't overheard that call, where else would she go? It was her fall back, the safety net she turned to when there was no where else to go. She'd proven that after the incident with escaping Weapon X and then the Brotherhood. Back when she had ratted him out to government to save her own hide. This time she had nothing to offer but her abject apologies and pray that they took her back. Not unless she was going to fess up that it was her behind all those robberies that her now dead boyfriend was going to take the fall for. But just because Juggernaut didn't follow her from the start didn't mean he didn't track her down.
It hadn't been a week, maybe two, since the thief had bit it. Somewhere in there, Cain figured though he wasn't real good with time. Either way it wasn't a whole lot of time for her to be making those cow, moony over him eyes at that boy she'd been tangled up with before. Bobby or Booby or something like that. Trouble was what he was. Trouble looking to get into Rogue's pants now that she was all with the Gambit powers and able to be physical with him.
Boys never changed, Juggernaut knew that and they were only ever thinking of one thing. But now this boy was getting it from his girl.
"It's raining,' he noted to her and Cain snorted because, apparently, he thought Rogue was too stupid to notice it was pouring down atop her head.
Not even waiting to hear the response it got, moving back and further away. If Xavier's caught him on school grounds, he was sure as hell going back to prison. But he had to catch a glimpse of her, to just see her once. He hadn't been sorry for the risk. Just to see her standing like that, arms out wide as if she were making a prayer to the gods themselves with the rain pouring down over her until she was drenched to the bone. For a moment it was like he could feel it too. That the rain wasn't just washing clean the body but the soul as well. If she had even just whispered his name, he would have surendered, falling to his knees to worship her like the goddess she was. His goddess. His religion.
But it was that little mutant boy's call that she answered, laughing as he threw a handful of ice pellets at her. Then she was laughing and tossing them back charged and they disappeared around the far side of the mansion, laughing and teasing and acting as madly in love as Cain was with her. But as he left, pulling himself over the fence, his heart felt as cold as he ice the boy manipulated but he had no hot, sweet southern belle to help it melt. But at least it numbed the pain.