I suppose if you're reading this, you know this Gouka boy. Since there seems to be a demand for secrets lately, I thought I'd share what I've learned.
Shinju Gouka fully intended to become an architect before losing his vision.
He is more interested in his Japanese heritage than he seems to be.
The only language he's fluent in is English, but he knows a little Japanese and French.
He's a surprisingly good cook.
He often acts on his first impressions of people.
He tries to block out memories he doesn't like, especially anything negative about those close to him (like Zach and Emeraude).
He used to be optimistic and is slowly gaining that optimism back.
He sees Elizabeth as a sort of mother-figure, and Zach as an older brother or father.
He's not sure what to think about Eva or Caine, and Sariel frustrates him.
When he could see, he was quite skilled as an artist.
He gets along better with women than with men.
He enjoys socializing with large groups of people.
He had been in one relationship prior to his current one with Emeraude.
Even when he could see, he had a terrible sense of direction.
He can't play any musical instruments, but can sing fairly well.
His favorite foods are most kinds of pasta.
His favorite color is jade.
His favorite movie is National Treasure.
He believes in reincarnation.
He tends to mumble in his sleep.
After the incident where his parents and friends died, he went temporarily insane and had to be put in a mental institution of sorts.
He attempted to kill himself when he found out his parents were dead.
He was originally wary of Ordell, but is now terrified of him due to a nightmare in which he was murdered by the doctor.
He refuses to use a cane, preferring the help of other people to get around.
He doesn't like to tell people he's blind mainly because he's afraid they will treat him differently.
He has a lot of difficulty using his right arm due to an injury during the aforementioned incident.
He can generally tell dreams from reality, due to the fact that he can see in most of his dreams.
He is terrified of fire, so much so that he will freeze in place if he feels or hears it nearby.
WOW that was longer than I intended. Oh well.