[Meme | OOCish] Five Questions

Oct 07, 2009 14:31

1. Leave me a comment saying anything random, like your favorite lyric to your current favorite song. Or your favorite kind of sandwich. Something random. Whatever you like.
2. I'll respond by asking you five personal questions about your character/muse so I can get to know you better.
3. Update your LJ with the completely honest answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.

Questions from seraphsariel.

1. What's your favourite memory of your parents?
-Hmm, that's a tough one. I'd have to say the summer before my freshman year. We basically went sightseeing all over the continent and had a lot of silly fun together.
2. If you were to pick one destination for a day, and have your eyesight back for that day only, where would you go and why?
-I'd say some beach or major city in Europe (if it still existed in my world--I always get jealous when I hear everyone else's "Earth"s still have it). Otherwise, Miami, Florida and not because I'm a fan of Burn Notice and CSI. That's definitely not why. As long as my friends were there, I think I'd be good, though.
3. Who do you hate?
-Well... I would have said Ryoko a while back, but now that I think on it, I don't think she's really responsible for everything that's happened to me. Having all this time to think about it and no way to find out is just confusing. So, uh... I don't know.
4. Are you particularly religious, and what beliefs to you subscribe to?
-I'm agnostic. I haven't really thought about the particulars of what I believe, I guess.
5. If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there, does anyone give a fuck?
-The tree probably cares. And its other... tree-friends. ... I don't know. XD;

Questions from gene_driver.

1. What's your favorite hobby/activity?
-At the moment? Listening to jazz and reading science-fiction.
2. Do you prefer long-ranged or short-ranged combat?
-Close-range, since I don't have to use weapons that way.
3. Did you enjoy your job?
-Not... really.
4. What is your favorite dessert?
-Umm... most things with caramel. Probably caramel cheesecake or something.
5. What interests you the most? (ie. The ocean, science fiction, nature?)
-Architecture, definitely.

Questions from zerozerovier.

1. How long have you been blind?
-Including the time I've been in the City, a bit more than a year, though there have been a couple of occasions here when I've been able to see for a short period of time.
2. What kind of life did you have before the City?
-Ah... I admit it was sort of miserable. I was focused on revenge at the time, and I didn't have many friends to speak of...
3. Do you have any family or friends from home with you in the City?
4. What's your view on war?
-Extremely sad, and as far as I can tell, completely unnecessary.
5. If you had the chance to go back and change something that happened in your past, would you do it?
-Without a doubt.

Questions from princesseimi.

1. Do you think it's possible for you to ever get your sight back?
-Permanently? Only by way of some sort of miracle, I think.
2. What sort of life do you think you'll have if/when you get out of the City?
-I don't know. It would be extremely different from what I'd been doing, at least...
3. Do you want to get out of the City?
-I... I don't know. I do miss a few people there, but only a few...
4. What do you like most and least about me?
-Ahh, geez... Well, I like how sweet you are to me all the time. And, ah... I guess I get worried about how emotional you can get.
5. Who do you think is most entertaining here?
-Hmm... entertainment-wise, I'd probably have to say Sariel. Or Howl, maybe.

meme, ooc

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