No matter what the weather people say I still don't believe them. They always think they know what it's going to be like outside, but this heat is not going away it seems.
Although, the fics are mostly complete. I keep starting new ones so expect one a day for most of the week. I'm hoping I get inspired to update PB as well, but I want to work on the rest of the gift fics for now.
Work is fun! And hot and icky! But I still love it most of the time. If only the heat would decrease by 10 or 15 degrees it would be so much better. Sleeping with the ceiling fans on is helping but I still wake up every two hours to go drink some cold water or splash it on my face.
My brother had a small accident with a nail gun while he was helping his other boss D, work on putting an addition on his house. The nail gun misfired and the nail went into my brother's ring finger instead of the board. He was lucky it didn't hit the bone due to the angle it went in, but he still has to bandage it and put on anti B cream. I think it knocked down his confidence a bit, so he'll be less reckless now. I hope.
The next posting will be for

hostilecrayon, with a sexy and sweet theme. So look for it some time later tonight.
Also, poking

Let me know if you want a specific theme for your gift fic because you're next, right after I finish the fic for
