Nov 21, 2004 00:03
K so i've been on a huge 311 and sublime fix lately, and can't believe a certain very special someone has NEVER heard any sublime stuff! Ok, its official i'm getting sick, feel it in my throat, and my head, and my nose.....great, and i know how it happened too thanks to going out thursday and drinking like 4 40's in under two hours....not proud of that...well yea I am, but not proud of my drunk calls that night :-p So i took the are you scary quiz, didnt get scary like i had hoped. Probably because i was friends with everyone in highschool and wanted a cat instead of the other animals, gotta love KAT's Thanksgiving will be horrible this year just like last year when my parents started thier whole divorce process, its not the fact they are divorcing that bothers me so much as much as they keep dragging my bro and I into it. I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT!! And its so freaking obvious they still have feelings for each other....oh well. This day was really awesome though since i got to talk a lot on the phone to the only person i talk to on there. Other then that, went to the sorry excuse for a mall that is here in Harrisonburg, VA and got some incense from spencers, i almost wet myself cuz I put another pack of them in the one i bought so i got the 5 finger special two for one deal, or 4 finger special for all you simpsons freaks out there. Then walked around the mall pondering why it was so crowded when there is no good store, unless u count "peebles" wtf is that. Oh well, need to sleep. Went to walmart and got some ramen a bottle of coke and a sub and that was my dinner tonight, pretty sad, haha. Ok i know only one person is reading this so i'm gonna call it a night. BYE