Dec 20, 2005 14:14
It's offiial. I will never be on of those people who goes into cute little boutiques and buys really expensive clothes, shoes, or anything else sold in cute little boutiques. Not because of the complete impracticality of spending lots and lots of money on designer objects. No, as I discovered today when I got a ver nice pair of walking shoes (that hopefully aren't ugle, but I'm terrible at picking out shoes), sales people scare me. Even when they are trying to be helpful and not pushy at all (tho it was kinda a lecture on kids these days, abusing their feet! sort of thing). They lurk, and they insist on putting the damn shoes on your feet for you, they insist on measuring your feet just to check that a 7 is ineed the right size, and I just want to be left alone. My ideal shoe shopping experience involves me asking them to get a shoe for me in the right size, them getting me the shoe, me putting the shoe on, walking around and deciding I like it, and then the person ringing up the shoe so I can pay for it. All the conversation required is what shoe size I need, and if it will be cash or credit (tho they don't really even ask that, they just wait for you to hand over some sort or payment). I am a misanthrope damn it, especially regurding strangers, and chatting about how tennis shoes will kill your feet does not make my shopping experience a more pleasant one. It's quite possible that this is just a me thing, and most people think I'm weird (okay, this is a yet another reason why I am weird), but it still bugs me. But I really like the shoes, so I guess it wasn't all that bad an experience.
At some point in my life, it will dawn on me that I need to stop trying to make meranges, because they never turn out right when I make them (though I have to say, after the interesting creation last night, I'm not reallt sure how they are supposed to turn out, because it looked like the thing on the cover of the magazine). It seemss like every time I make a cake that requires a merange, it does all disaster cake on me. It's quite depressing. My birthday cake led to me breaking down less than an hour before the party (and yes, I realize that it still tasted and looked fine, but it wasn't right damn it), and the merange cake of last night led to be breaking down in hysterics. I think it should be a rule in recipes that you can't claim something is easy if you are only rfering to the preperation part. Easy to prepare, but impossible to serve even remotely elegently, or with and portion control, does not fucking count as easy. Grrr. Though maybe if I had actually followed all of the directions, and refrigerated it for 24 hours, it might have worked better (tho like an hour or 2 in the freezer is pretty close).
The rest of the yankee swap thing was really fun though. And I got beautiful pink pajamas!! They are so lovely and pretty and fuzzy and pink and I love them. And they happen to be the same style of pjs as all my other ones (which is they only style I like), so they are happiness in cotton and fleece. And seeing everyone, and playing lots and lots of twister (plus taking shitloads of pictures, which will all go up on facebook eventually, and don't worry, by all I mean the better ones), and psychiatrist (I love that game so much) was just really really happy. I will probably expound more upon this theme later (or not, as the case may be), but I have to leave now for winter training so I can beat the shitty ultra bad rush hour christmas traffic from hell that seems to have decended upon the area (was it always this bad, and I'm just not used to it anymore, or is it worse this year? I mean, 20 minutes to get to Tysons yesterday, and then over 50 to get back home, is just ridiculous. Especially when I went the fast way back, and the slower way there. They need to have like an ultra high car dricing tax in this area to attempt to encourage people to take public transportation. Actually, they would need some public transportation that goes places other than DC first, but thats a minor detail).