Characters: Medusa and Cassandra
Date/Time: September 14th.
Location: Poseidon's Place.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Swearing. Kittens.
Summary: Medusa panics. Cassandra finds the cat.
Cassandra didn't even bother to put on shoes as she ran to Medusa's apartment. The other woman was obviously distressed-not only from Poseidon but from B hiding as well-and if there was anything Cassandra had seen when Cronus had made her foot rot, it was how important the kitten was to Medusa. It wasn't fair for her to be forced to live with her rapist and she at least needed to comfort of her kitten.
Well, it was that and the fact that Medusa trusted her enough to show her vulnerability. Cassandra had never expected that.
She only stopped once she reached the other woman's door and she pounded on it, almost too impatient to wait for it to be open.
And Medusa couldn’t answer because she was locked in her room and afraid to come out. It sounded like he had stomped off, but how could she be sure? Now that he (thesmellofseasalt) was here how could she ever be safe again? The city was too small. Her skin was too small, had to come off, had to be removed.
After waiting a few moments, Cassandra just...let herself into the aparment. She could apologize for it later when Medusa was safe in Cassandra's room and had B with her. "Medusa?" She called out as she walked through, peering around for the cat. "It's just me, I'm looking for B now."
“Cassandra?” Medusa made a little screeching sound and made her way towards the door in a daze. “You have to find her. She’s lost.”
Medusa has cried before, but never in front of another person. Only in front of her sisters when even the tears burned. But the sob bubbled up despite her best efforts to keep control. ”And and and…”
She rested her forehead against Medusa's door, her eyes pricking a bit in reaction to the fear and pain she could practically feel coming from the other woman. "I promise I'll get her. I didn't see her in the halls so she must be here."
Pushing back, Cassandra began to look places she assumed cats normally hid-in the small corners, in closets, wherever they could get.
The words could have been swears, just having someone make the effort to sooth her made Medusa not. She was so tired. And she still didn’t quite know how to react to him, to this to the primal voice inside her head that wanted to bury his body and the teenager that wanted nothing more than to pray. Being so much all at one is exhausting. “Check the laundry room?”
"Of course." Cats were weird. Maybe the smell of laundry was soothing to her or something. She spent a few moments search in the corners and underneath things before she thought to look in the wicker hamper.
She had seen cats push lids up before, maybe B was in there. When she opened it and found the kitten, she gave a little hum of happiness and picked her up-cradling the cat like a baby as she went back to Medusa's room.
"I have her."
And for that Medusa was willing to come out and give B a good squeeze, babbling all the while about (shefoundyoushefoundyouit’sgoingtobeokayshepromises) inconsquental things. B didn’t seem particularly scared from her experience, Mommy Medusa was frightened enough for two.
She smiled at Cassandra awkwardly. Leaned in to whisper a secret. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
"I'm glad I could help," Cassandra whispered back. It was taking a considerable amount of willpower for her to not reach out and rest a hand on Medusa in comfort. Touching would not be appreciated.
She held out a finger for B to sniff at as she smiled at the pair. "Did you want to come stay at my apartment? You can have my bed and it will keep you out of here."
“She will not be kicked out of her own fucking home.” Medusa sniffed and held herself up tall, as tall as someone so tiny can be. “Just because some old fart decides it’s fucking funny or some shit.”
Her wig. She didn’t have any of her wigs, only her won hair matted flat against her skull. “But a retreat. A fucking fucking… rest. Would be nice.”
"Yes, of course. It's just a retreat to rest and make sure you are strong. And that B is alright." Maybe if she focused the situation of the kitten, then Medusa would do it without fighting.
Not that she was fighting all that much, but still. It would make it so that Medusa didn't think she thought of her as weak. Which she wasn't. "I'm sure B wants to come back to visit my place again."
Medusa nodded blandly and began to shuffle her way out. She wasn’t even wearing her boots. Gods she was tired. “B will be alright. She always is.”
A sleepy smile. “Cats always land on their feet you know. But snakes don’t even fucking have any. Isn’t that funny?”
“I want to see your apartment again. And your gay roommate. Isn’t he gay? Fucked your boyfriend?” Medusa was not really listening to what she was saying. She was thinking about a bed that someone had put the effort into making, unlike her little nest, and a cat that would purr as she slept.
"Snakes always end up alright in the end," Cassandra answered. It was one of the things she had learned in the temple caring for the snakes there. "Cats and snakes both have that quality."
A slight flinch at that. But, it was true-and Cassandra was getting over it. Slowly. "Yeah, he is. Very gay. He and I haven't really talked at all though, I think he fears me. And you're welcome to come any time."
“Fear is fucking awesome. Just go with it.” Medusa upped her speed so they would get there faster and stomped as best she could on each and every stair. And with that Medusa leaned into the wall outside her door and smiled extra wide. “Night, Cassandra…”
"That was my plan. If he fears me I don't have to deal with him," Cassandra answered. She hussled to keep up with the other woman and fumbled to get her key out. A slight snort escaped her at Medusa's smile.
"Are you trying to scare me or are you just smiling at me?" She asked, her tone teasing, as she opened the door to let Medusa in.
It felt so odd. Someone letting her in would never stop being weird. The humor was equally confusing; Medusa shrugged and let it flow down her back like water. With the door open B quickly skirted inside. “Can’t it be both?”
"Probably, though you don't really scare me." Cassandra had seen too much in her life for a former monster once again turned human to scare her. Even if Medusa could take her in a fight. She pushed the door shut quickly to make sure B didn't escape again.
"Like I said, you can have my room. I'll just need to get blankets for the couch." Unless she ended up sleeping in Helenus's place. It might happen.
It was too late. Medusa had seen the couch and buried herself face first into it, curled up into a tiny ball. Before look she was snoring.
Or Medusa could take the couch, either one. Cassandra went and got a blanket for her and draped it over Medusa. She picked B up and placed her on her mother, silently commanding her to stay with a pointed finger.